Invitation to Bid
The Oglala Sioux Parks & Recreation Authority invites bids from bison producers to purchase excess yearling bison. OSPRA will have up to 200 Mixed-male and female Yearling Bison for sale by bid. Weight will be determined by OSPRA scale. Yearling weights will be expected to be between 400 and 750 pounds. Minimum bid will be $2.40 per pound. Potential bidders must have a truck and trailer ready to pick up bison upon completion of our round ups in Slim Buttes and Yellow Bear Pastures. The highest bidder will be contacted before start of the Slim Buttes and Yellow Bear roundups. Once buffalo go through our chute and are weighed, they are the winning bidder’s responsibility. Also, when buffalo are going through the chute our ear tags will be cut off. If the winning bidder has ear tags, we will tag the buffalo for them. OSPRA staff will assist in loading buffalo. If winning bidder cannot pick up bison upon completion of our roundup, arrangements must be made with OSPRA to hold bison for them and yard fees will be assessed. OSPRA will not be responsible for any injured or death of buffalo while they are in the pens. If the winning bidder is from out of state, OSPRA will bring in a vet and the winning bidder will be responsible for all costs to transport out of state, i.e., health certificates, bangs tags, etc.
Sealed bids should be mailed in before 4:30pm on October 20, 2023 Sealed bids must be in a separate envelope marked: Attention: OSPRA Executive Director “2023 Slim Buttes and Yellow Bear Pastures Yearling Buffalo Bid” Bids will then be reviewed, recorded, and the winning bidder will be contacted. Interested parties may contact the OSPRA office Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm. The Oglala Sioux Parks and Recreation Authority representing the Oglala Sioux Tribe has the right to accept or reject any and all bids